Thursday, July 25, 2013

A New Adventure

Welcome to my new blog. I wanted to make somewhere to share our homeschooling adventure without overloading my normal everyday blog with stuff. Mildly silly, but it seemed like a good idea. I am not sure how often I will post. I am hoping it is regular, but make no promises since life gets a bit crazy here in the borogroves. I might have guest post from time to time if people want to contribute.

The Cast of Characters:

AJ and Molly  aka  The Parents

AJ - A nerdy dad and engineer who works for a local company in Orlando.
Molly - A nerdy mom who stays home and takes care of Drew.

Drew aka The kiddo

Drew - a very hyper 2 year old boy

We are currently using the ABC Jesus Loves Me curriculum. So far, I am liking it. It does take some work to get things going for us, but Drew has enjoyed what we have done already. I don't plan on posting curriculum or things like that. I figure there are plenty of sites like that and I don't want to add to that. I plan on posting my take on homeschooling and what that looks like to us. If you want to add to this please let me know and I would love to have some other takes on homeschooling. I promise the pictures will get better, but all I have access to right now is my phone. So, bear with me on this front.

Thanks for joining us on this new adventure!

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